16:30 – 16:45
10 October 2022 | 15 Minutes
Unpopular opinion: You don't need to hire as many data experts. They’re already in your teams.
Data has become the core of most companies' operations. Making the most of data is key for all business units, in particular
marketing, finance, supply chain, ... it means better insights, more productivity, and better decisions, autonomously. Companies first
reflex is to recruit data experts. But data competencies are scarce; it's a challenge. However, it is infinitely easier (and more profitable
internally) to upskill your teams on specific data skills or reskill them towards data expert jobs. In this discussion Clément Eulry,
General manager at Le Wagon for Business, will explain why the right strategy to accelerate a digital transformation, is focusing on
training existing employees with a ROI driven methodology.